Permutation and Combination
Composition and Resolution of Forces
Relations And Functions
Inverse Circular Functions
Coordinates in Space
Straight Lines
- Some Fundamental Formulae
- Slope Intercept Form
- Double Intercept Form
- Normal Form or Perpendicular Form
- Point Slope Form and Two Points Form
- Linear Equation $Ax+By+C=0$
- Condition for Concurrency of Three Straight Lines
- Any Line Through the Intersection of Two Given Lines
- Angle between Two Lines
- The Two Sides of a Line
- Perpendicular Distance from a Point on a Line $x\cos\alpha+y\sin\alpha=p$
- Bisectors of the Angles between Two Lines
- Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios of a Line
- Angle between Two Lines with Direction Cosines or Direction Ratios
Pair of Straight Lines
- Homogeneous Equation
- Angle between the line pair represented by $ax^2+2hxy+by^2=0$
- Bisectors of the Angles between the Line Pair $ax^2+2hxy+by^2=0$
- Condition that the General Equation of Second Degree may Represent a Line Pair
- If the equations $ax^2+2hxy+by^2+2gx+2fy+c=0$ represent a a line pair, then $ax^2+2hxy+by^2=0$ represent a line pair through the origin parallel to the above pair.
- Lines Joining the Origin to the Intersection of a Line and a Curve
Conic Section
Scalars And Vectors
- Scalars and Vectors
- Position Vectors
- Modulus of a Vector
- Types of Vectors
- Composition of Vectors
- Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition
- Triangle Law of Vector Addition
- Polygon Law of Vectors
- Resolution of a Vector
- Subtraction of Two Vectors
- Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar
- Zero Vector (Null Vector)
- Unit Vector
- Collinear Vectors
- Coplanar Vectors
- Direction Cosines of a Line
- Linear Combination of Vectors
- Vector Equation of a Straight Line
Products of Two Vectors
Polynomial Equations
Complex Numbers
- Complex Numbers
- Properties of Complex Numbers
- The Imaginary Unit
- Square Roots of Complex Numbers
- Conjugate of a Complex Number
- Absolute Value of a Complex Number
- Triangle Inequality
- The Cube Roots of Unity
- The Complex Plane
- The Unit Circle
- Polar Form of a Complex Number
- Products and Quotients of Complex Numbers in Polar Form
- De Moivre’s Theorem
- Integral Powers and Roots of a Complex Number