A wave which travels forward undamped and unobstructed is known as progressive wave. It may be either longitudinal or transverse. Light wave, sound wave, etc are some of the examples of progressive waves.
- The disturbance produced in the medium travels forward, undamped and unobstructed.
- Each particle in the medium executes same type of vibration. They vibrate about their mean position simple harmonically with the same amplitude and frequency. But the phase varies continuously along with the medium.
- No particle remains permanently at rest. But each particle comes to rest momentarily while at the extreme position of its vibration. Different particles attain this position of rest at different times.
- The wave travel in the form of crests and troughs or compressions and rarefactions.
- The displacement, velocity and acceleration at any instant will have the same value for the particles which are separated by an integral multiple of the wavelength.
- Energy is transferred across every plane along the direction of propagation.
- The wave travels in a medium with a particular velocity depending upon the nature of the medium.
- The wave motion repeats itself after every
(time period) seconds or it repeats after every distance at a particular instant. Thus, a plane progressive harmonic wave has double periodicity. - The equation of a progressive wave propagating through a medium is given by
Equation of a Progressive Wave
Let a progressive wave starts from origin

The particle at the origin
The phase difference of the particle at
Putting this value in equation
If the wave travels in opposite direction i.e. along negative
More on Wave And Wave Motion