Kinematics Reasonings

Is it possible for a body to have a constant speed in an accelerating motion?

Yes, it is possible. An accelerating motion means that velocity is changing. The velocity can change by the change in magnitude or direction or both. If the velocity changes by the change of directly only, then the speed remains constant. In such a case, accelerating body will have a constant speed.

[Read: Motion in a Straight Line]

For example, a body moving in a circular path [Circular Motion] has a constant speed but its direction changes at every point. Since there is change in the direction of the velocity, the body moves with centripetal acceleration.


A player hits a baseball at some angle. The ball goes high up in space. The player runs and catches the ball before it hits the ground. Which of the two (the player or the ball) has greater displacement?

Can an object have an eastward velocity while experiencing a westward acceleration?

If a particle is accelerating, it is either speeding up or speeding down. Do you agree with this statement?

If the velocity of an object is changing and becomes zero at an instant of time, is the acceleration zero at that instant?

A body thrown vertically upwards takes ‘t’ time to reach the highest point. What would be the time required to reach the same point during its return?

A body reaches a certain height when thrown with a certain velocity. What is the height reached if the velocity is doubled?